School of Computer Science Celebrated the 45th Anniversary of Computer Education

By Mon, 06 May 2024 GMT

Beijing, 6th May 2024 (BISTU)--- Over 200 retired faculty and staff and alumni of BISTU gathered at BISTU to celebrate the 45th anniversary of computer education at the University on 4th May 2024.  


Student Development Center of Shahe Campus greeted the honored guests attending the opening ceremony of the commemoration addressed by President Guo Fu.  


On behalf of the University, Guo Fu extended the warmest welcome to alumni and expressed thanks to their support with development of BISTU. Alumni, as precious resources and indispensible strengths for high-quality development of BISTU, also served as a key standard to measure successes in talent cultivation. The commemoration was both a gathering of friends and colleagues and a gesture & icon of carrying forward the cultural spirit of BISTU. Following an introduction to latest achievements of the University, Guo Fu stressed that progresses of BISTU owed much to contributions of alumni and faculty. It was expected that alumni would continue to shine on their posts and support development of BISTU with their respective professional skills. Meanwhile, the University would offer warmer services, in-depth communication, and generous support with all alumni.  


A promo for the commemoration showed the 45-year history of computer education at BISTU in three chapters. Chapter One was about the initial stage when Jianxiangqiao Campus firstly saw computer education led by pioneers such as Yang Tianxing, Zhou Xiling, and Su Dongzhuang. Chapter Two displayed rapid progresses of computer education and increasing reputation of graduates and educational quality at the University. And Chapter Three offered a glimpse of relocation of computer education at Shahe Campus and new achievements of Computer Science School.  


Professor Li Ning, former Dean of Computer Science School, delivered a keynote speech on school development, talent cultivation, faculty development, alumni, and future development. He was convinced that the past 45 years have laid a solid foundation for the new phase of high-quality development. A brighter future awaited the School of Computer Science. He added.  


Hou Lingyan, a representative of faculty, recollected her memories and experiences at the University since 1991. Alumni were welcome home any time. She said.  


Student representative Liu Ke expressed that all schooling students would follow the school-motto intelligent programs for a bright future, with guidance of faculty and alumni as role models.  


Alumni Seminar gathered 7 alumni, i.e., Zhang Zuyin (graduated in 1982), Xiong Ping (graduated in 1997), Sun Shugang (graduated in 2004), Bu Chao (graduated in 2008), Qiu Xianglun (graduated in 2010), Gao Yuwei (graduated in 2011), and Zhu Yifan (graduated in 2016) to share the memorable days at BISTU and School of Computer Science.  



Vice Dean Zhang Wei of Computer Science School announced the list of Alumni with Outstanding Contributions and expressed thanks to them for their contributions in educational resources, talent cultivation, admissions, internship and placement, and donations.  

In his closing remarks, Vice President Chen Xin extended sincere thanks to all alumni for their support with Computer Science School. It was hoped that alumni would continue to care and support development of Computer Science School in the future. Chen Xin said.  



The commemoration also saw outstanding performances by faculty and students of the School.  

The Commemoration, chaired by Vice Dean Hou Xia of Computer Science School, was joined by Assistant to VP Lin Guoce, directors of relating divisions and offices, former deans of the school, representatives of faculty, staff, and students, and alumni.  


A display area was set at Jianxiangqiao Campus for events in the past 45 years, showing changes and transitions of Computer Science School. Mementos were prepared for alumni at the sign-in desk with best wishes and memorable footprints on the campus.  

The whole campus was filled with warm greetings and hugs among alumni who were guided to return to the labs, classrooms, and dormitories where they have enjoyed learning and living at BISTU.  

Each photo in the University History Exhibition carried the marks of the times and the progresses that the University has made in the past years with contributions of all faculty, staff, students, and alumni.  

Alumni were showed around teaching building, labs, computer center, and administrative zone of Computer Science School. They were impressed with the modernized facilities. Computer Science School also organized a display of graduation photos dated from 1982 to 2023. Alumni were happy to see their photos and their minds were filled with a myriad of thoughts and ideas when seeing the cloud-photo for graduation taken in 2020 and 2021.  

A free buffet was specially arranged for returning faculty and alumni. They spoke highly of the greatly-improved facilities and rapid progresses of the Computer Science School.  

The commemoration received congratulatory letters from School of Cyberspace Security of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, School of Computer & Communication Engineering of University of Science and Technology Beijing, Faculty of Information Technology of Beijing University of Technology, and School of Information and Communication Engineering of BISTU as well as great support from divisions and offices of BISTU.  

Future days would witness efforts of Computer Science School in shouldering the responsibility of rejuvenation of Chinese nation, building a world first-class academic discipline, and deepening industry-education integration and science-education integration to facilitate high-quality development of computer science at BISTU.