
Zhang Qizhi



1992.9-1996.3 Ph.D Candidate in Engineering, Mine Construction Engineering, Northeastern University

1982.9-1989.6 Major in Mechanics, Department of Mathematics,

Jilin University (Bachelor and Master)

Work Experience:

1996-present Associate Professor, Professor at Beijing Information Science and

Technology University

1988-1996 Lecturer at Shenyang University of Technology

Research Interests:

Robot Dynamics and Controlling, including stability and control of the passive walking of biped robots

Robots for Domestic Services involves in such key techniques as follows:

1) The technology of object identification

2) The technology of human identification

3) The technology of self-positioning, map building and navigation in dynamic circumstances

4) The technology of human-robot interaction and speech recognition

5) The technology of object manipulation

Active Control of Vibration Noise

Research Projects:

2012.1-2015.12 Studies of the Stability and Pulse Control of Walking Biped Robots, General program of the National Natural Science Fund (RMB ¥ 620,000 in total)

2011.1-2013.12 Studies of Robots for Domestic Services and Biped Robots, Innovation Team Project of Beijing Talent Program for Universities (RMB¥150,000 in total).

Reform and Practice of the Course Content of Intelligence Science and Technical Robotics


2010-present Member of Robot Contest committee of Chinese Association of


2004-present Member of Intelligence Automation Committee of Chinese

Association of Automation


2009-2011 Guiding the students to attend China RoboCup three years successively and obtaining 3 first prizes and more than 10 second prizes

Selected Publications:

[1] Adaptive recurrent fuzzy neural networks for Active Noise Control, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2006, 296(4-5): 935-948 (SCI 074WG /EI20062910018035)

(This article ranked among “Top 25 Hottest Articles” from July to September in 2006 and it has been quoted over 20 times. The website:

[2] A hybrid Jacobian control for uncalibrated robot visual servoing, Progress in Natural Science, 2005, 15(6): 564-568 (SCI 954UM /EI2005269185495)

[3] The Attitude motions planning of underactuated spacecraft based on spline approximation, Engineering Mechanics, 2010, 27(1): 246-249 (EI 20100612694363)

[4] The single training samples’ face recognition based on SIFT features, The Journal of Beijing Information Science and Technology University, 2011, 26(4):11-20


Offering the following courses for postgraduates:

The Manipulation of Robots

The Mode Identification

The Optimization Means

The Robotics

Coaching students to attend the Science and Technology Competition for College Students, RoboCup, and Robots Contest


The Department of Intelligence Science and Technology, BISTU

Address: No. 12 Qinghe Xiaoying East Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China

Post Code: 100192

Phone: +86-10-82427155??? Fax:?+86-10-82427151