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Alumni Today


Thu, 12 Apr 2018 GMT

Four-decades-Later Reunion of Alumni at BISTU

Beijing, 11th April, 2018 (BISTU)— The 40th Anniversary celebration for alumni enrolled in BISTU in 1977 in Industrial Electrical Automation successfully completes on Xiaoying Campus. The celebration is attended by Lin Guoce, Assistant to Vice President and Vice Chairman of BISTU Alumni Association, Cao Jinhong, Chairman of School Council of School of Automation, and Vice Dean Chen Hongying of School of Automation. Activities are respectively hosted by Deputy Director Wang Limin of Alumni and History Office and Shi Ying, an alumnus of class 7702.

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Sun, 25 Oct 2015 GMT

The Third BISTU Alumni Forum Successfully Concluded

Beijing, 24th October, 2015(BISTU) --- Xiaoying Campus of BISTU witnessed successful conclusion of the Third Alumni Forum titled with “Alumni and Production-Learning-Research Cooperation” jointly organized by BISTU Alumni Association and Alumni Sodality of Entrepreneurs.

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Mon, 12 Oct 2015 GMT

Alumni Back Home

Beijing, 11th October, 2015(BISTU) --- The sunshine and clear blue sky of golden autumn of Beijing welcomed 33 alumni of BISTU (who enrolled with Beijing Institute of Machinery in 1964) back home from all corners of the country, including Beijing, Tianjin, Harbin, Dandong, Changchun, Shenyang, Dalian, Fushun, Xi’an, Zhengzhou, and Kaifeng.

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Sat, 10 Oct 2015 GMT

Preparatory Discussion of the 4th Board Meeting of BISTU Alumni Association Successfully Concludes

Beijing, 10th October, 2015(BISTU) --- Preparatory Meeting for the 4th Board Meeting of the 1st Session of BISTU Alumni Association successfully concluded at the University Library. The meeting was attended by University Council Chairman Zheng Junli, Executive Vice Chairman of BISTU Alumni Association & Vice President Han Qiushi, Vice Chairman of BISTU Alumni Association & Vice President Feng Xiaochun, Chief Supervisor of the Association & Vice President Liu Yong, and Vice Chairman of BISTU Alumni Association & Assistant to Vice President Lin Guoce.

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Mon, 07 Sep 2015 GMT

Alumni Cup Entrepreneurship & Innovation Contest Welcomes Alumni Entrepreneurs

Beijing, 7th September, 2015(BISTU)--- Alumni Cup Entrepreneurship & Innovation Contest was in preparation at BISTU. Entrusted by Alumni Sodality of Alumni Entrepreneurs (ASAE), delegates of preparatory board of the contest, including Vice Chair & Secretary General of ASAE Wang Minghua, together with Vice Secretary General of ASAE Lin Chunyu, Chen Lijun, Yang Yang, Wang Yanmao and Xiao Lu gathered at BISTU on 31st August for discussion on launching the contest.

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