Guo Fu Visited American Universities

By Mon, 29 Apr 2024 GMT

Beijing, 29th April 2024 (BISTU)--Upon invitation, President Guo Fu visited Illinois Institute of Technology, Michigan State University, and Oakland University from 24th to 28th April 2024, aiming to broaden the spectrum of global exchange and cooperation, strengthen international academic exchanges, enhancing cultivation of globalized talents and educational globalization at BISTU through high-standard, high-quality Sino-foreign joint running programs, and achieve substantive progress in educational globalization. On behalf of BISTU, President Guo Fu signed memorandums of understanding with the three institutions and held in-depth discussions centering on talent cultivation, academic research, and social services. As a VIP guest, President Guo Fu addressed the Spring 2024 Commencement of Oakland University. 


President Raj Echambadi of Illinois Institute of Technology met with President Guo Fu and BISTU delegation members. He introduced the Institute in respect of educational history, school-running philosophies, talent cultivation, research strengths, educational resources, and global cooperation. President Guo Fu offered an introduction to BISTU with highlights on academic strengths, innovation-driven development, cultivation of cross-cultural talents, and educational globalization. He commented that Illinois Institute of Technology, as one of the famous research universities in the US, has a lot in common with BISTU, indicating a broad scope of cooperation in the future. Both BISTU and Illinois Institute of Technology are strong in engineering and technology and are committed to serving social and economic development and megacity governance with sci-tech innovation and industrial transformation. The two institutions have a solid foundation for future cooperation and have established a joint goal of promoting global educational cooperation, strengthening cultural exchanges, and nurturing innovation-oriented globalized talents. It is expected that both institutions would deepen pragmatic cooperation to nurture globalized talents with international competitiveness.  

BISTU delegation and Illinois Institute of Technology faculty held talks and reached consensus on making preparations for joint-running programs in mechanical design manufacturing and automation, intelligent interactive design, network engineering, quality management engineering, etc. The agreement of cooperation was renewed by both presidents. And the meeting and discussions were joined by Kenneth T. Christensen, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic affairs, Malik Sundharam, Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, Kevin W. Cassel, Dean of Armour College of Engineering, and senior admissions officers of Illinois Institute of Technology.  


Provost Thomas D. Jeitschko of Michigan State University extended warm welcome to BISTU delegation and offered an introduction to academic achievements and progresses of the University in recent years. He stressed that Michigan State University attaches great importance to cross-cultural communication and cultivation of globalized talents. It was expected that the two institutions would work closer together in the area of engineering and information technology— areas of strength in both institutions. Following his introduction to BISTU in respect of school-running philosophies, educational features, academic disciplines of strengths, and endeavors in cultivating globalized talents with international horizons, Guo Fu expressed that Michigan State University is widely known as one of the renowned research engines in the United States. The remarkable achievements of Michigan State University in natural science, engineering technology, education, energy, and environment have been known to the whole world. BISTU is centering on the new generation of information technology and has built an academic system with focus on information technology, intelligent manufacturing, and big data. It was hoped that both institutions would jointly build up an even better academic atmosphere and an open mechanism of cooperation to nurture innovation-oriented talents and to achieve breakthrough in frontier technologies.  



Both universities held discussions on joint-running programs, staff development, faculty exchange, and joint research, followed by the signing of the agreement of cooperation. BISTU delegation visited facilities of Michigan State University and met with Prof. Xiaoming Liu, a BISTU alumnus who is now a professor at Department of Computer Science and Engineering.  

As the only invited special guest, President Guo Fu addressed the Spring 2024 Commencement of Oakland University chaired by President Ora Hirsch Pescovitz.  

Themed on Global Citizenship in the 21st Century, Guo Fu started with Zhang Qian’s expedition to west Asian countries to illustrate the trade and culture exchange and communication between China and the west via the Silk Road in the past centuries. “These pioneers won their place in history not as conquerors with warships, guns or swords. Rather, they are remembered as friendly emissaries leading camel caravans and sailing treasure-loaded ships.” He quoted President Xi Jinping’s remarks as a starting point of thoughts on global citizenship. He stressed that global citizenship is rooted in identity, values, common experiences, and senses of responsibility. Coping with global challenges requested equality-based cooperation. Global citizens with their global awareness are able to bridge the gulfs in region, ethnicity, and culture. Mutual understanding among nations would also be enhanced via international exchange and cooperation. Guo Fu added that now we are more eager than ever to greet global citizens to respond to various challenges of the world. We are convinced that students of the Oakland University would embrace our times and make changes in our world with their noble qualities, impartial values, critical thinking, an open mind, true empathy, and strong professional skills. And they will show the world the true meaning and essence of global citizens. Guo Fu said. 

The address was applauded by all audiences of the ceremony, a proof that the visit is enhancement of cultural exchange and integration.  

The agreement of cooperation between Oakland University and BISTU was renewed by presidents of both institutions. Discussions were held on strengthening cooperation in respect of undergraduate education, postgraduate education, faculty training, and joint research.  


BISTU delegation also visited BISTU students currently studying with Oakland University. They expressed gratitude to BISTU and Beijing Municipality for the precious opportunities and were ready to contribute to cultural communication and friendship between the US and China. BISTU alumni who are now working in Great Detroit Area joined the seminar. They were happy to witness great achievements of the University and would be pleased to contribute to the goal of building a high level university with distinctive feature in information technology.  

Dean Huang Min of Electromechanical Engineering School and Director Qu Li of International Cooperation Department (Dean of College of International Education) joined the visits.