BISTU Teams Honored with the First Prize in National Finals of the 16th China Cesim Elite College Student Business Simulation Competition

By Mon, 08 Apr 2024 GMT

Beijing, 8th April 2024 (BISTU)---The national finals of 16th China Cesim Elite College Student Business Simulation Competition held at Zhejiang University of Technology attracted 104 teams (inclusive of 4 teams of international students) from 78 universities in China. Contestants were to present their showcases of business skills and apply analytical and decision-making skills in a virtual environment. BISTU undergraduate team "TeamMe" composed of Zhang Zeyu, Ren Chaobo, Zulipinuer, and Wang Xueqing from Economics and Management School won a first prize and "Dareyou" postgraduate team composed of Lei Jiaming, Qi Jiaxin, Zhao Shiyuan, and You Hanchen from Economics and Management School won a second prize. Both teams were winners of the Best Posters. Peng Juanjuan was honored with Outstanding Supervisor Award.  

Originated from Cesim Elite, a renowned global business simulation competition in North Europe, China Cesim Elite aimed at encourage students to produce solutions in simulated market to actual problems concerning corporate development. Winners of the Grand Prize would represent China to compete in the Global Finals. The Competition was introduced into China in 2008 and the past 16 sessions have attracted hundreds of thousands of college students since then. It is now a well-known global business simulation competition in China.  

The 16th China Cesim Elite College Student Business Simulation Competition commenced in November 2023 and saw 104 teams stand out of over 2,000 teams from 170 universities and colleges of China. Three sections of the Finals, i.e., simulations, English introduction, and business presentation, posed multiple challenges for contestants in respect of market environment, competitors, corporate strategy, and business data. It should be noted that the Competition also invited contestant teams to conduct asset-light analysis on BlueTown, a real-life case.  

The two BISTU teams have made thorough preparations for the Competition. TeamMe ranked No. 1 in all 37 undergraduate teams in market environment section. With outstanding English introductions and business presentations, the two teams finally won a first prize, a second prize and the Best Poster Award.    

It is the fourth time that School of Economics and Management has joined the Competition. Teams of the School have won 1 first prize, 1 second prize, and 2 third prizes in the national finals.    






Following the guidelines on building "new liberal arts", School of Economics and Management has been actively organizing and encouraging students to join various competitions to nurture students' creative thinking. Future competitions would see students winning more honors with their efforts and wisdom.