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Computer Technology (Professional Degree)

Core Disciplines

Computer Application Engineering; Computer Software Engineering; Computer Network Engineering; Intelligent Information Processing; Computer Information Systems; Multimedia Technology and Applications; Mobil Computing Technology; Embedded Computing Technology; Computer Security; Information Technology Standardization and Intellectual Property Rights; Software and Service Outsourcing; Information Technology Products Marketing and Sales

Main Courses

This discipline recruits full-time and part-time (working) professional master students and began recruiting in 2010.
The Computer Technology professional master’s program will be centered closely around the needs of the information industry of our county and the capital, utilize and improve multidisciplinary advantages, and train application-oriented, multi-skilled and high level engineering talents. We train master’s graduates, especially, as application-oriented high level professional talents in the areas of computer application development and computer management for large or medium scale corporations.
Main research pathways include:
Pathway A: Computer Application Engineering——This direction studies the fundamental principles and common techniques and methods of the applications of computers in various trades and industries and social activities. These involve artificial intelligence, language and text processing, computer graphics, multimedia technology, database management systems, etc.
Pathway B: Computer Software Engineering——This direction studies computer application technology and the principles and methods of engineering management that produce software products that meet user requirements while meeting the constraints of budgets and schedules. This involves the software development process, software development methods, software engineering management and support, software quality assurance, software engineering process measurement, computer-aided software engineering tools and environments, etc.
Pathway C: Computer Network Engineering——This direction studies how to determine a network construction plan and how to implement the plan step by step based on the requirements of the user or clients, the specific circumstance, and the current development of network technology and the degree of industrialization. This involves requirement analysis and network planning, network design, engineering organization and implementation, network operation and maintenance, etc.
Pathway D:Intelligent Information Processing——This direction studies the process, methods, and techniques of the processing and manipulation of language and information using the computer and based on the understanding of human intelligence, behavior, and their norms. This involves knowledge engineering, pattern recognition, intelligent robotics, text encoding, speech signal processing, natural language understanding, information retrieval, document information processing, etc.
Pathway E:Computer Information Systems——This direction studies the collection, storage, processing, transmission, and management of information and the providing of information services via human computer interaction. This involves database management, decision support, management information systems, e-commerce and e-government, geography information systems, global positioning systems, office automation, digital libraries, etc.
Pathway F: Multimedia Technology and Applications——This direction studies the integrated processing of documents, graphics, images, voices, animations, and videos and the interactions with users. This involves digital audio and video processing, realistic graphic construction, computer animation, scientific computation visualization, virtual reality, multimedia documents, multimedia systems, human computer interaction, biometrics, etc.
Pathway G: Mobil Computing Technology——study direction. This direction studies information processing during mobile processes using portable computers or other computing devices. This involves mobile computing devices, mobile operating systems and databases, cloud computation, mobile communication, etc.
Pathway H: Embedded Computing Technology——study direction. This direction studies the key techniques of embedded systems in digital audio communication, robotics, textile electronics, intelligent home electronics, automobile electronics, etc. This involves the architecture of embedded systems, embedded system software platforms and related techniques, embedded system development tools and environments, application techniques of embedded systems, etc.
Pathway I: Computer Security——study direction. This direction studies the mechanisms and measures that ensure the correct, reliable, non-interrupted operation of computer systems and the protection of information that has been stored, transmitted, and processed by computer systems from being leaked, destroyed, or rendered useless. This involves physical safety, operation security, information security, security management, etc.
Pathway J:Information Technology Standardization and Intellectual Property Rights——study direction. This direction studies measures to improve the portability, compatibility, inter-operability, re-usability, safety, and quality of products by setting uniform engineering, design or technique norms, criteria, methods, processes, and conventions for practical or potential problems of information technology fields and which are accomplished by setting and implementing related standards. It also studies the appropriate application of intellectual property rights and the protection of the rights and benefits of developers so that the transformation of technical results into industrial and commercial usage will be benefited and the advance of technology and development of the economy will be promoted. This involves the development, release, and implementation process of standards and the laws and regulations of intellectual property rights.
Pathway K: Software and Service Outsourcing—— study direction. This direction studies the techniques and methods of effectively outsourcing software and service projects to outside corporations using computers and the network in order to reduce software development cost. This involves business process outsourcing, information technology outsourcing, knowledge process outsourcing and management, etc.
Pathway L: Information Technology Products Marketing and Sales——This direction studies the effective production, circulation, and after-sale servicing of information products such as software in order to reach the goal of meeting the requirements of users. This involves e-commerce, the internet of things, marketing and sales management, etc.
This discipline requires 2.5-3 years study for full-time students in general. The study years for part-time students are more dynamic and flexible.
Main courses of this discipline include:
Common foundation courses : Dialectics of Nature, Engineering Master English, Engineering Master Mathematics;
Major foundation courses: Computer System Architecture, C++ and data structures advanced training , Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Applications , Combinatorial Mathematics , Advanced Software Engineering;
Common required courses: Intellectual Property Rights, Information Retrieval;
Major elective courses: Distributed Systems, Advanced Network Technology, Embedded Systems and Applications, Model Driven Program Design Methodology, XML and Applications, Natural Language Processing, Software Automated Testing Tools and Practices, Data Security Techniques, Software Modeling Techniques, Data Warehouse and Data Mining, Information Retrieval and Search Engines, Graphical Image Processing;
Required Training: Practicum, Engineering Practice Training, Education on Situation and Policies, Academic Ethics and Academic Norms, Mental Health, Literature Summary and Degree Project Proposal, Degree Thesis.

Software Engineering (Academic Degree)

Core Disciplines

Software Development Techniques and Methods; Software Testing Techniques and Methods; Information Technology Standardization; Natural Language Understanding and Human Computer Interaction; Knowledge Acquisition and Retrieval Tools

Main Courses

This discipline recruits full-time academic master students and began recruiting in 2011.
The students trained in this discipline have a solid background in basic computer theory and comprehensive professional skill. They also have more in-depth knowledge in the research directions of software development techniques and methods, software testing techniques and methods, information technology standardization, natural language understanding and human computer interaction, knowledge acquisition and retrieval tools, etc.
This first level discipline has five research pathways:
Pathway A: Software Development Techniques and Methods
Mainly studies: the model driven software engineering process, software model transformation and code generation techniques, software model reconstruction and reuse, model driven reverse engineering methodologies, and model driven software engineering environments.
Pathway B:Software Testing Techniques and Methods
Mainly studies:
Fundamental theorems, techniques, and methods of modern software testing including design and generation of test cases, unit testing, integrated testing, etc;
Techniques and methods of automated software testing tools and environments for special areas and general usage.
Pathway C:Information Technology Standardization
Mainly studies:standards structure, standardization methods, and standardization application of information technology for the software industry and nation’s information industrialization, focusing on the study of the theorems, methods, environments, and tools of software process standardization by setting up and implementing related standards to set up uniform engineering, design, and technical conventions for practical and potential problems in the software technology area to ensure the quality of software development.
Pathway D: Natural Language Understanding and Human Computer Interaction
Mainly studies:
Human computer interaction related to natural language understanding, language style recognition, understanding and generating automated Q&A sentences and paragraphs;
Voice interaction, related voice recognition, voice synthesis, speech content understanding and synthesis, speaker recognition and validation.
Pathway E:Knowledge Acquisition and Retrieval Tools
Mainly studies: knowledge discovery, data mining, massive data information retrieval and information mining, and Internet application technology.
This discipline requires three years study in general.Main courses in this discipline include:
Common courses for the degree: Dialectics of Nature, The Theory and Practice of Scientific Socialism, English;
Foundation courses for the degree: Formal Languages and Automata, Advanced Software Engineering, Software Testing Techniques and Methods, The Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Combinatorial Mathematics;
Major courses for the degree: C++ and data structures advanced training, JAVA and data structures advanced training, Software Modeling Techniques, XML and Applications, Database System Design(makeup course)
Common elective courses: Scientific Research Methods and Literature Utilization, Professional English, Scientific and Technical Information Retrieval, Second Foreign Language;
Major Elective Courses: Distributed Systems, Model Driven Program Design Methodology, Software Patterns and Reconstruction, Software System Architecture, Software Automated Testing Techniques, Software Standardization, Advanced Compiling Techniques, Embedded Systems and Applications, Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Natural Language Processing, Voice Recognition and Image Recognition, Software Engineering Economics;
Required Training: Lecture on Frontier Trends, Teaching Practice, Education on Situation and Policies, Academic Ethics and Academic Norms, Mental Health, Literature Summary and Degree Project Proposal, Degree Thesis.

Computer Science and Technology (Academic Degree)

Core Disciplines

Computer System Architecture; Computer Software and Theory; Computer Application Technology; Network Information Retreival and Content Understanding; Digital Culture Dissemmination; Computational Linguistics

Main Courses

Discipline:Computer Science and Technology (Academic Degree)
The graduate students trained from this discipline have a solid background in basic computer theory and comprehensive professional skill. They also have more in-depth knowledge in one or more of the research directions including Computer System Architecture, Computer Software and Theory, Computer Application Technology, Network Information Retrieval and Content Understanding, and Digital Culture Dissemination. They have strong practical ability and innovation capability; they can carry out research and development or management responsibilities independently in related fields; they have a rigorous and realistic style of study and high professional ethics. They are the high level research and application talents in computer science and technology who meet the needs of the socialist modernization of our country.
This discipline requires the students to have three years of study in general. Main courses include:
Common Courses for the degree:Dialectics of Nature, The Theory and Practice of Scientific Socialism, English
Foundation Courses for the degree: Computer System Architecture, Algorithm Design and Analysis, Artificial Intelligence Principles and Applications, Formal Language and Automata Theory, Combinatorial Mathematics, Stochastic Processes and Applications, Information Retrieval and Search Engines, Information Theory, Probability and Mathematical Statistics(make up course)
Professional Courses for the degree::C++ and data structures advanced training , JAVA and data structures advanced training, XML and Applications
Elective Courses: Methods of Scientific Research and Utilization of Literature, Professional English Training, Scientific Information Retrieval, Second Foreign Language, Advanced Network Technology, Embedded Systems and Applications, Distributed Systems, Parallel Computing, Network Security, Data Security Techniques, Advanced Software Engineering, Software Modeling Techniques, Model Driven Program Design Methodology, Software Automated Testing Tools and Practices, Data Warehouse and Data Mining, Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval and Search Engines, Voice Recognition and Image Recognition, Graphical Image Processing, Multi-media Technology
Required Training: Lecture on Frontier Trends, Teaching Practice, Education on Situation and Policies, Academic Ethics and Academic Specifications, Psychological Health, Literature Summary and Proposal for Degree Project, Degree Thesis
Sub-discipline I:Computer System Architecture
This discipline recruits full-time academic master students and began recruiting in 2011.
The students trained in this discipline have a solid background in basic computer theory and comprehensive professional skill. They also have more in-depth knowledge in one or more of the research directions including Network Security and Performance Evaluation, Computer Security and Data Recovery, Embedded Applications, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, etc.
This second level discipline has 4 research pathways:
Pathway A:Network Security and Performance Evaluation
Mainly studies network security technologies in the national backbone information network and important information systems. This research direction studies the theories and techniques in large and complex network systems in the areas of network survivability, active real-time defense, safe storage, network virus prevention, network trust system, auditing within networks, network system quality of services, network performance evaluation and optimization, etc.
Pathway B: Computer Security and Data Recovery
Mainly studies computer asset safety; that is, preventing system assets and information assets of computer systems from threat and hazards caused by natural and human factors. This research direction studies the techniques for protecting the safety of programs and data stored in computer systems including anti-computer-virus techniques, data encryption and decryption techniques, electro-magnetic radiation protection techniques, and disk data recovery and backup techniques.
Pathway C: Embedded Applications
Mainly studies embedded system architecture, embedded system basic hardware platforms and related technologies, embedded system development tools and environments, embedded system application technology, etc.
Pathway D: Cloud Computing and Internet of Things
Mainly studies the system architecture and key techniques of new generations of networks. This research direction focuses on cloud computing architecture in new network environments, cloud computing safety and reliability, Internet of Things related RFID techniques, sensor network theory and technology, and intelligent data fusion theory and methods.
Sub-discipline II: Computer Software and Theory
This discipline recruits full-time academic master students and began recruiting in 2011.
The students trained in this discipline have a solid background in basic computer software theory and comprehensive professional skill. They also have more in-depth knowledge in one or both of the research directions of software modeling theory and methodologies.
The research direction of this second level discipline is software modeling theory and methodologies. This research direction studies software modeling languages and methods, model driven program design theories and methods, software model rebuilding theories and methods, software model reengineering techniques, and model driven software development methods and supporting tools and environments.
Sub-discipline III: Computer Application Technology
This discipline is one of the key-construction disciplines of Beijing Municipality. It recruits full-time academic master students, and the recruiting started in 2002.
The students trained in this discipline have a solid background in basic computer software theory and comprehensive professional skill. They also have more in-depth knowledge in one or more of the research directions of multi-media, intelligent information processing, smart warehouse and logistics, etc.
This second level discipline has three research pathways:
Pathway A:Multi-media Technology
Mainly studies:
Multi-media information representation models. Representing multimedia information by building structural models and retrieving the information efficiently.
Virtual reality and virtual environments. This includes the theorems and methods of 3D representation and 3D re-building of large scale virtual environments, physics-based virtual environments and real time computing methods, human computer interaction technology, perception-oriented knowledge representation, behavior models in real time virtual environments, etc.
Streaming media technology. It studies the streaming media technology that focuses on multi-view video.
Pathway B:Intelligent Information Processing
Mainly studies:
Intelligent techniques and strategies for document understanding.
Techniques for speech enhancement in noisy environments, speech recognition and synthesis.
Techniques for coordination of intelligent objects.
Key technologies of digital information processing in the areas of: digital voice communication, robotics, textile electronics, information appliances, and automobile electronics.
Application study in related areas.
Pathway C:Smart Warehouses and Logistics
Mainly studies:
Design and implementation methods for information management systems of 3-dimensional smart warehouses.
Task scheduling and algorithms for surveillance and scheduling of multi-equipment.
Methods and techniques for logistic distribution with multiple optimization objectives and based on RFID and intelligent transportation.
Application methods and techniques of Internet of Things in logistics.
Sub-discipline IV:Network Information Retreival and Content Understanding
This discipline recruits full-time academic master students and began recruiting in 2011.
The students trained in this discipline have a solid background in basic computer software theory and comprehensive professional skill. They also have more in-depth knowledge in one or more of the research directions of information retrieval and knowledge mining, semantic network and document information processing, language information processing and understanding, etc.
This second level discipline has 3 research pathways:
Pathway A:Information Retrieval and Knowledge Mining
Mainly studies:
Retrieval techniques based on Chinese document contents and semantic information, document data mining techniques, information filtering and content security, etc.
Competitive information tracking and analysis, internet information tracking and collecting, and intelligent processing of collected information.
Content-based multimedia information retrieval techniques, information representation of network information resources, dissemination and discovery service models, multi agent cooperation, etc.
Pathway B: XML and Document Information Processing
Mainly studies:
Syntax, semantics, and structures of modern markup languages.
Technologies of Information sharing, internationalization/localization, and standardization based on markup languages.
Markup language technology and its applications in e-government, e-commerce, etc.
Semantic representation and deduction.
Publishing on demand and cross-media publishing techniques.
Structure model and format description of office documents, format converting techniques.
Basic standard systems of office software.
Pathway C: Language Information Processing and Understanding
Mainly studies:
Building of Chinese text corpora and language information resource bases with the characteristics of Chinese information processing intellectualization and humanization.
Evaluation technology for Chinese text corpora.
Intelligent text document validation and error correction techniques.
A information retrieval and filtering systems in the restricted Chinese language domain.
Automatic document summation and mining techniques.
Techniques of lexical analysis, syntactical analysis, and semantic analysis of natural language.
Sub-discipline V:Digital Culture Dissemmination
This discipline is established jointly by the Computer School and the Department of Humanities and Social Science. This discipline recruits full-time academic as well as professional master students and began recruiting in 2013.
The graduate students trained in this discipline have good ideology, morality, and professional ethics and a solid background in basic computer theory and comprehensive professional skill. They also have more in-depth knowledge in the areas of Digital Media Technology, Public Opinion Monitoring and Analysis, Network Culture Dissemination, etc. They have strong practical ability and innovation capability as well as good communication and cooperation capability; they can carry out research and development or management responsibilities independently in related fields. They are to become high level research, application, and combined talents in the areas of computer network information processing, culture dissemination, and digital media; they meet the needs of the socialist modernization of our country.
This second level discipline has three research pathways:
Pathway A: Digital Media Technology
Includes mainly: different forms of media supported by digital technology including digital text, graphics, images, voices, video image, animation, etc; digital media processing techniques and applications based on computer technology, communication technology, information processing technology covering areas of network media, mobile media, computer animation, digital television, digital publication, virtual reality, digital creativity, etc.
Pathway B: Public Opinion Monitoring and Analysis
Includes mainly: network public opinion that is the main research object, that is the summary of interleaved different emotions, attitudes, and opinions disseminated through networks. This research direction emphasizes on applications areas where the multi-disciplines cross and overlap. The direction of Public Opinion Monitoring and Analysis studies mainly the techniques and methods for discovering, mining, processing, and judging network public opinion including techniques for collecting and filtering public opinion, techniques for discovering and tracing topics of public opinion, techniques for the analysis of public opinion trends, public opinion trend prediction, crisis response, etc.
Pathway C: Network Culture Dissemination
Includes mainly: the dissemination rules and characteristics of all the cultural activities, their values of connotation, and their forms, which are supported by network technology and derived by information transformation, which are the tools and means based on and derived by the internet, the communication networks, and the way of behavior, the way of thinking, the life style, the value characterized with information transformation, resource sharing, and communication and interaction. The research subjects include the evolution of cultural forms, the process of network culture dissemination, the contents, effects, subjects, audience, etc. of the dissemination.
Main courses in this discipline include:
Common degree courses: Dialectics of Nature, The Theory and Practice of Scientific Socialism, English;
Foundation courses for the degree: Introduction to Digital Media, Computer Networks and Applications, Multimedia Technology, Information Retrieval and Search Engines, Introduction to Social Networks, Theory of Communication Science, Research Methodology of Communication Science;
Common elective courses: Methods of Scientific Research and Literature Utilization, Science and Technology Writing in English, Science and Technology Information Retrieval, Second Foreign Language;
Professional elective courses: Document Information Processing, Natural Language Processing, XML Application Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Applications, Web Program Design, Audio-visual Languages, Art of New Media and its Representation, Public Opinion Study, Public Relations Crisis and Opinion Guidance, Digital News Editing, Media Criticism, History of Dissemination of Ideas, Special Study on Network Culture, Study on Dissemination of Psychology, Special Study on Intellectual Property Rights, and Cross Culture Dissemination Practice;
Required Training: Lecture on Frontier Trends, Digital Media Project Practice, Education on Situation and Policies, Academic Ethics and Academic Norms, Mental Health, Literature Summary and Degree Project Proposal, Degree Thesis.
Sub-discipline VI:Computational Linguistics
This discipline is established jointly by the Computer School and the Foreign Language School. This discipline recruits full-time academic master students and began recruiting in 2014.
The graduate students trained in this discipline have good ideology, morality, and professional ethics and a solid background in basic computer theory and comprehensive professional skill. They also have more in-depth knowledge in the areas of Language Information Processing and Understanding, Internationalization and Localization Information Processing, Computer Aided Foreign Language Teaching and Computer Aided Translation, etc. They have strong practical ability and innovation capability as well as good communication and cooperation capability; they can carry out research and development or management responsibilities independently in related fields. They are to become high level research, application, and combined talents in the area of natural language information processing; they meet the needs of the socialist modernization of our country.
This second level discipline has three research pathways:
Pathway A:Language Information Processing and Understanding;
Pathway B:Internationalization and Localization Information Processing;
Pathway C:Computer Aided Foreign Language Teaching;
Pathway D:Computer Aided Translation, etc.
Main courses in this discipline include:
Common degree courses: Dialectics of Nature, The Theory and Practice of Scientific Socialism, English;
Foundation courses for the degree: Introduction to Linguistics, Natural Language Information Processing, Corpus Linguistics, Information Theory, Formal Language and Automata, Internationalization and Localization Information Processing, Artificial Intelligence-The Principle and Application, Machine Translation;
Common elective courses: Methods of Scientific Research and Literature Utilization, Science and Technology Writing in English, Science and Technology Information Retrieval, Second Foreign Language;
Professional elective courses: Machine Learning, XML Application Technology, Multimedia Technology, The comparative rhetoric and translation practice, Web Programming, Foreign Language Teaching, Information Retrieval and Search Engine, Linguistic Syntax, Linguistic Semantics, Language Evaluation, translatology, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics;
Required Training: Lecture on Frontier Trends, Digital Media Project Practice, Education on Situation and Policies, Academic Ethics and Academic Norms, Mental Health, Literature Summary and Degree Project Proposal, Degree Thesis.

Optical Engineering

Core Disciplines

Pathway A: Photoelectricity (Optoelectronic) Test (detection) Technology; Pathway B: Micro-optical Element Devices and System; Pathway C: Fiber Laser and Optical Devices; Pathway D: Optoelectronic Information Processing; Sub-discipline: Instrumentation Engineering

Main Courses

Four pathways are available for this programme:
Pathway A: Photoelectricity (Optoelectronic) Test (detection) Technology
This pathway focuses on basic theory, implementation method, system, and key technique of optoelectronic detection area. It addresses Laser diagnostic technique and optical measurement techniques. It offers research on physical parameter and system of all kinds of measurement instruments, including laser interferometry, laser diffraction, laser tracking, optical fiber sensing detection, optoelectronic multi-degree of freedom measurement, etc., with integration of light, machine, electricity electronics and computer.
Pathway B: Micro-optical Element Devices and System
Based upon electromagnetic theory, this pathway focuses on the design theory of diffractive optical element, sub-wavelength grating device, and optical surface plasmonic devices. It researches and explores micro-optical system with application of optical trapping, microscopy, multi-degree of freedom measurement and high density optical storage to realize the function of super-resolution imaging, beam shaping, and polarization conversion.
Pathway C: Fiber Laser and Optical Devices
This pathway covers studies on laser coherent synthetic technology, tunable laser technology, packaging technology of double-clad fiber and diode-laser, the optoelectronic devices including single frequency fiber laser, femtosecond fiber laser, Q-switched pulsed fiber laser, high power continuous fiber laser, pump combiner, fiber grating, high power optical isolator, high power fiber collimator and optical fiber coupling acousto-optic modulator, etc.
Pathway D: Optoelectronic Information Processing
This pathway focuses on acquisition, processing, storage, and display of physics (physical) information by optical and digital image technique, including analysis, measurement and identification of information through optoelectronic image processing technology; deformation measurement by digital holographic interferometry and laser speckles measurement technology; technique acquirement and analysis of 3-D profile by 3D sensing technology; optical information storage and 3D display, etc.
Sub-discipline: Instrumentation Engineering
Five pathways of Master of Engineering are available for this programme:
Pathway A: Visual Inspection and Optoelectronic Technology Instrument
It offers researches on comprehensive utilization of all kinds of Optoelectronic sensors to achieve high precision measurement for product contour, 3D-shape and other physical quantities through multi-crossed disciplines technology i.e. image processing, computer vision and photogrammetry.
Pathway B: Precision Instrument and Measurement System
It mainly researches technology and method of precision measurement, design of precision measurement system, theoretical accuracy evaluation of precision measurement system, and instrument design.
Pathway C: Biomedical Detection Technology and Instruments
This pathway addresses design and development of clinical medicine instrument, ultrasonic testing technology, system, biomedical detection technology and instrument design on the basis of Optoelectronic Detection technology, medical image processing and advanced instrument development in the field of life science and biomedical engineering.
Pathway D: Electron Measurement Technology and Instruments
This pathway focuses on measurement technology for electric parameter and temporal frequency metrology, design of measuring instrument, and test and control system.
Pathway E: Opto-mechatronics Measurement and Control System
This pathway offers research on its system integration and instrument design.

Instrumentation Science and Technology

Core Disciplines

Sub-discipline: Measurement Technology and Instrumentation; Sub-discipline: Precision Instruments and Machinery

Main Courses

Six pathways are available for the programme:
Pathways A: Master of Engineering in Vision Inspection and Optoelectronic Measurement Technology
This pathway focuses on detection and analysis of all kinds of physical quantities and information by laser technique and optoelectronic sensor with utilization of cross-technology of muti-disciplinary technology, including optics, electronic technology, image processing and computer vision etc. It covers researches on visual inspection technology, full-field optical measurement techniques, optoelectronic detection system integration and the design of optoelectronic measurement instruments.
Pathways B: Master of Engineering in precision Control Survey and Intelligent Instrument
This pathway covers researches on technology and theory of precision measurement, signal detection and information processing, technology and system of precision measurement and control, laser-guided real-time measurement and control system, intelligent structure system and technology, intellectualized design for modern instrument.
Pathway C: Master of Engineering in Biomedical Detection Technology and Instruments
With the orientation in optoelectronic measurement technology, medical image processing and advanced device development in the field of life science and biomedical engineering, this pathway aims at studies on biological rheology measurement method, micro-fluidic biochip technology, flow cytometry, laser induced detection technology, and injection chemiluminescence detection technology.
Pathway D: Master of Engineering in Fiber Laser and Optoelectronic Devices
This pathway covers studies on Laser coherent imaging technology, tunable laser technology, single frequency fiber lasers, Q-switched pulsed fiber laser, high power fiber laser, fiber-optic gyroscope source, and optoelectronic devices including diode beam combiner, fiber grating, fiber collimator and fiber coupler, etc..
Pathway E: Master of Engineering in Electron Measurement Technique
It focuses on research of electric parameter and time & frequency measurement technology, development of measurement system, testing method for electric security performance of electronic equipment, and measurement technique research.
Pathway F: Master of Engineering in New-type Sensor and Sensitive Material
This pathway offers researches on information acquisition and processing, quartz measuring technique, electroacoustics and ultrasonic sensing technology, MEM inertial device, angular velocity and horizontal attitude sensor, piezoelectric material and sensing device, nano material and optoelectronic devices, distributed optical fiber sensing technique, and micro-/nano-optical sensing devices.

Logistics Engineering

Core Disciplines

Pathway A: Master of Engineering in Logistics System Engineering; Pathway B: Master of Engineering in Planning and Development of Logistics System; Pathway C: Master of Engineering in Advanced Manufacturing and Logistics Management

Main Courses

Three pathways are available for this logistics engineering professional master’s degree program.
Pathway A: Master of Engineering in Logistics System Engineering
This pathway, based on theory and method of system engineering, offers research on planning, management and control of logistics system by taking production, circulation and consumption as a whole for the purpose of improvement of social and enterprises’ economic benefits.
Pathway B: Master of Engineering in Planning and Development of Logistics System
This pathway covers theory and method of logistics system planning and design, Logistics Park planning, planning of storage/transportation system, DC planning, enterprise logistics planning, planning of logistics information system, and design and development of logistics system, etc.
Pathway C: Master of Engineering in Advanced Manufacturing and Logistics Management
This pathway focuses on logistics settlement scheme in whole range of manufacturing enterprises. It researches on how to grasp timely, correct, and all-sided information of distribution logistics, customer relation management and financial statistics, etc. It also explores how to realize “customer-focused” logistics service system and reduce inventory cost through advanced manufacturing techniques, logistics information system and modern management technology. It aims to set up seamless connection with ERP/CRM system and realize tracking, control and service of enterprise logistics in whole range.

Management Science and Engineering

Core Disciplines

Three pathways are available for postgraduate education and scientific research in this cross-school discipline: Pathway A: Master of Science in Optimization and Simulation of Manufacturing System; Pathway B: Master of Science in E-commerce and Its Application; Pathway C: Master of Science in IT Auditing Sub-discipline: Information Management and Information Security

Main Courses

Three pathways are available for postgraduate education and scientific research in this cross-school discipline:
Pathway A: Master of Science in Optimization and Simulation of Manufacturing System 
This pathway focuses on research in the area of optimization and simulation of complex multi-stage manufacturing system. It covers multi-stage production logistics, production plan and scheduling theory and technology of complex multi-stage manufacturing enterprises i.e. formulation, optimization modeling and algorithm of production plan; order planning, optimization algorithm of operative plan, and simulation optimization of multi-stage logistics process, etc.
Pathway B: Master of Science in E-commerce and Its Application
This pathway offers research on information standardization, future development of E-commerce, problems during implementation of informatization in related industries in accordance with modern information technology, management science technology, e-commerce, development of social economics information, and other frontier fields. It also aims at studies on solutions to practical technology and application problems during informatization of government, enterprise, industry and international trade.
Pathway C: Master of Science in IT Auditing
With fast development of national economy information, auditing information construction has been attached with great significance in realization of national audit “immune system” and “state governance function”. This pathway focuses on implementation of IT auditing by operating auditing practice, which includes financial information system audition, audition for financial electronic data, and service electronic data from system database. It involves in data collection, data conversion, data analysis and data visualization, etc.
Sub-discipline: Information Management and Information Security
Master-accredited fields in this sub-discipline belong to management science and engineering discipline. Three pathways are available for this sub-discipline:
Pathway A: Master of Science in Intelligent Decision Support System
This pathway offers research on combination of artificial intelligence and decision support system (DSS). It covers studies on application of expert system technology for human knowledge to be fully utilized by DSS, including descriptive knowledge related with decision, procedural knowledge during decision, and inference knowledge of problem solving. It is helpful in solving complex decision problems through logic reasoning.
Pathway B: Master of Science in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
This pathway covers logistics system analysis, logistics operation management, development of logistics management information system, theory and method of supply chain management, intelligent information integration of supply chain management, structural adjustment, and optimization for complex adaptive system of supply chain.
Pathway C: Master of Science in Information System Security
This pathway aims at research on key factors of information system security, technology and strategy for improving security of network information system, that is, threat elements for information system hardware and software, aggression factors for system data, security technology of E-mail and Web, network security technique, secure access control, etc.

Master of Engineering: Information and Communication Engineering

Core Disciplines

This programme focuse on the following pathways to nurture Master of Engineering: Integrated network communication technology, broadband wireless communication technology, image recognition and processing, information system of internet of things, transient electromagnetic exploration and its application, and microelectronics and MEMS technology.

Main Courses

This programme, based on requirement of Electronic Information and Communication industry, aims to cultivate high-quality engineering technical talents with practical and innovative ability for the front line of manufacture and development of scientific and technological with advantages of multi-crossed disciplines, promotion of industry-university-research, and comprehensive utilization of practical environment and conditions. It focuses on the following pathways to nurture Master of Engineering: Integrated network communication technology, broadband wireless communication technology, image recognition and processing, information system of internet of things, transient electromagnetic exploration and its application, and microelectronics and MEMS technology.
This programme emphasizes on students’ hands-on ability as they grasps basic theory of electronic information and communication. It is required no less than one year on the students to take part in enterprise-oriented research practice for their abilities of analyzing and solving practical problems in engineering.

Information and Communication Engineering

Core Disciplines

This discipline is guided by National mid-Term and Long-Term Science and Technology Development Plan (2006-2020), the National 12th Five Year Development Plan of Science and Technology, and the 12th five-Year Development Plan of Science and Technology in Beijing Municipality. This discipline takes next generation key network technology and service, next generation broadband mobile communication technology, complex signal and intelligent information processing, micro-/nano- information system technology and modern logistics technology as its key research field.

Main Courses

In recently years, this discipline has formed its own characteristic and gained a series of research results in the field of digital signal and information processing, network communication theory and technology, radio frequency communication, information micro-/nano- system integration, etc. and gained a series of research results. It also has made important progress in the area of next generation mobile communication and green network communication technology, micro-/nano- information system technology, image scrambling transformation, fingerprint and face recognition, and transient electromagnetic technology. Its research on 3D system-in-package integration technology, electromagnetic information technology application in power field as well as multi-mode autonomous navigation technology stands on the leading level domestically.
Sub-discipline: Communication and Information System
Three pathways are available for this programme:
Pathway A: Master of Science in Theory and Technology of Broadband Wireless Communication
This pathway offers research on broadband wireless communication theory, new technology in modern communication and its implementation, channel coding technology, anti-jamming design and noise reduction, etc.
Pathway B: RF Communication and High-Speed Circuit Signal Integrity
This pathway aims at research on mobile communication, internet of things, RF circuit design of satellite navigation termination and its integrity analysis of high-speed signal, etc.
Pathway C: Master of Science in Micro-/nano- Information System Integration
This pathway offers research on new-type RF/Microwave/Terahertz circuit element in micro/nano- scale, micro sensor/actuator and other functional structure, 3D high-density multi-function micro system integration and internet interconnection technology of these elements or units on modern advanced processing and manufacturing technology platform i.e. micro- and M/NOEMs, advanced encapsulation and circuit board by taking electromagnetic field theory, signal and information processing theory and multi-physical field theory in micro-/nano- scale as basic theory. It also aims at research on technology system of design/simulation verification and testing based on relevant mechanism.
Sub-discipline: Complex Signal and Information Processing
Three pathways are available for this programme:
Pathway A: Master of Science in Complex Signal and Information Processing
This pathway addresses transient electromagnetic exploration technology, information system integration, voice signal processing, information security and coding technology, etc.
Pathway B: Master of Science in Theory and Technology of Network Communication
This pathway covers network architecture with wire/wireless integration, theory and technology of streaming media transmission, theory and technology of green network communication, network intelligent terminal technology, etc.
Pathway C: Master of Science in Image Recognition and Processing
This pathway focuses on recognition and application of fingerprint image and face image model, digital watermark method for digital product protection and certification, etc.


Core Disciplines

This discipline is composed of four sub-disciplines: Fundamental Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Applied Mathematics.

Main Courses

Two pathways are available in Fundamental Mathematics
Pathway A: Master of Science in Functional Analysis and Application
This pathway focuses on differential inclusion theory and neural network optimization computation theory, which projects new-type set-valued integral operators to settle the existence of solution for random multi-value periodic problem and applies its results to periodic feedback control system. This pathway also offers research on controllability of control system presented by integro-differential evolution inclusion equation which resolves new-style neural network model for non-smooth optimization by differential inclusion theory.
Pathway B: Master of Science in Qualitative Theory of Differential Equation
This pathway covers research on some mathematical problems of compressible fluid, incompressible fluid and other relevant flow patterns, including existence, uniqueness and regularity of solution. It also studies well-posedness of solution of Boussinesq equation when initial curl equaling to initial value of vortex layer or in L-space. It offers researches on second order and high-order nonlinearity boundary value problems to provide theoretical basis for concrete solutions by topological functional theories, i.e., topological degree theory, screw theory, operator theory, and critical point theory.
Two pathways are available for Computational Mathematics
Pathway A: Master of Science in Numerical Algebra and Information Encoding
This pathway offers research on linear and non-linear equations of different types of constrained matrices set problems in model updating and signal restoration, solution of structured matrix equation problems, relevant theory and effective numerical methods for algebraic inverse eigenvalue problems. Based on the research achievements of numerical algebra and computational complexity theory, it covers research on structure of cryptographic function and its security analysis, design method, security analysis, formal proof of digital signature, and cryptographic protocol. On the basis of trust chain, it aims at studies on construction of trust service method for cloud computing, design of secure multi-party computation solution for particular application.
Pathway B: Master of Science in Constrained Matrix Equation and Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equation 
This pathway covers research on the solution of constraint set matrix equation, structure of solution of constrained matrix equation, existence of solution, existence condition, expression of solution, variational inequality problem for numerical solution of differential equation, constrained optimization problem of FEM simulation of solution to ground state and excited state of GP equation and numerical simulation for mechanical problem.
Three pathways are available for Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics Computational Mathematics:
Pathway A: Master of Science in Data Analysis
This pathway covers analysis and research of qualitative and quantitative data, excavation for potential information of data, exploration to internal structure of data, establishment of relevant mathematical model and development of application software on the basic of series of theories and methods, i.e., multivariate statistical analysis, multi-criteria neural network optimization, fractal and geostatistics, etc. It also launches applied studies on geological survey and mineral exploration according to the research results in mathematical statistics.
Pathway B: Master of Science in Financial Mathematics
This pathway offers research on extreme value distribution and risk value of financial Return On Assets (ROA). It aims at estimations on tail of nonlinear Auto-Regressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (ARCH) model with fat-tail information against financial risks. Based on multi-criteria neural net work optimization and fractal theory, this pathway also aims at analysis and research of economic data, establishment of relevant mathematical model, exploration, and analysis for microstructure of the future market.
Pathway C: Master of Science in Biostatistics
This pathway focuses on analysis and explanation for varieties of biological phenomena and experimental data. It also covers modeling, covariate selection, parameter estimation and nonparametric estimation of recurrent event data as well as analysis and research of asymptotic behavior.
Sub-discipline: Applied Mathematics
This sub-discipline is one of key disciplines sponsored by Beijing Municipality.
Four pathways are available for this sub-discipline:
Pathway A: Master of Science in Differential Equation and High Performance Scientific Computing
This pathway covers research on high-performance scientific computing algorithm based on physical background of concrete conditions; solution structure of differential equation, equilibrium solution of radiation hydrodynamics equations and blow-up problem of solution; complex flow field and quantum effect through theoretical analysis and numerical simulation technique; application of image restoration on the basis of differential equation theory and numerical method just like level set method.
Pathway B: Master of Science in Nonlinear Analysis and Application
This pathway, based on soliton theory and relevant theories in algebra and group theory, offers research on integrability condition of nonlinear evolution equation with variable coefficients, solution structure of Wronski and Gramm determinant, relevant solution structure of Pfaffian coupling-mode equation by constructing nonlinear coupled-mode evolution equation with variable coefficients. This pathway also focuses on studies on analytical solution of nonlinear evolution equation with variable coefficients and its relevant coupling-mode equation in the field of optical fiber communication, hydrodynamics, biology, oceanography and atmospheric dynamics.
Pathway C: Master of Science in Economics Game Theory
This pathway focuses on game theory problem of phenomena and behavior in modern economics. It involves in existence and stabilization of Nash equilibrium and its solution. This pathway, combining topology with analysis, offers studies on continuous selection and fixed point for necessary and sufficient existence conditions of Nash equilibrium in topological space, and then conducts further research on existence of Nash equilibrium.
Path D: Master of Science in Image and Information Processing
In the field of image reconstruction, this pathway covers research on symmetrical structure, its block grouping iterative correction schemes and deep structure based on projection data. According to fundamental solution theory of linear equation, it offers qualitative research on dependency relationship between calculating point and projection data. This pathway aims to construct new algebra iterative method and fast iterative algorithm with direct imaging. In the field of computer stereo vision, this pathway addresses relationship between unique geometric characteristic on two-dimensional awareness surface and depth perception in vision system in real environment. It covers introduction of visual model with whole light field, digitized virtual aperture focus and discrete model for 3D reconstruction with field of view; exploration and utilization of reconstruction to characterize 3D depth-of –field information in narrow viewing angle; establishment of expression method of planar stereo scene.