
           崔希望         副教授    碩士研究生導師  



性别:男                   ||  政治面(miàn)貌:黨員                            ||  現任職稱:副教授

最後(hòu)學(xué)曆: 博士       ||  最後(hòu)學(xué)位:工學(xué)博士                     ||  獲學(xué)位單位:華北電力大學(xué)

是否留學(xué):是           ||  留學(xué)國(guó)别:英國(guó)                             ||  留學(xué)時(shí)間:2015-2016   

聯系方式:               ||  郵箱:cuixiwang@bistu.edu.cn    ||  通訊地址:北京海澱區清河小營東路12号


碩導/博導:碩導    ||  批碩/博導時(shí)間:2021.12

在讀碩士:5人       ||  畢業碩士:0人    











北京信息科技大學(xué) 副教授

北京信息科技大學(xué) 講師

中國(guó)科學(xué)院聲學(xué)研究所 博士後(hòu)




[1] 國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金青年基金, 12104060主持;

[2] 北京市自然科學(xué)基金青年基金, 1214025主持;

[3] 北京市教委科研計劃項目, KM202111232021主持;

[4] 國(guó)家重點實驗室開(kāi)放課題研究基金,SKLA202204主持;

[5] 中央高校基本科研業務專項資金,2014XS40主持;

[6] 國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金面(miàn)上項目,11974376,參加;

[7] 國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金面(miàn)上項目,11874389,參加



[1]   X. Cui, Y. Gao, J. Muggelton, Y. Liu. Superimposed imaging of acoustic wave reflections for the detection of underground nonmetallic pipelines. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2024, 209: 111127. (SCI,一區Top)

[2]   X. Cui, Y. Gao, X. Han. On the mixed acoustic and vibration sensors for the cross-correlation analysis of pipe leakage signals. Applied Acoustics, 2024, 216: 109798. (SCI)

[3]   X. Cui, Z. Yan, Y. Gao, X. Cheng. Active acoustic excitation method for leak detection of buried gas pipelines based on cavity resonance reflection. IEEE Sensors Journal, Accepted, 2024. (SCI)

[4]   X. Cui, Y. Gao, Y. Ma, F. Liu, H. Wang. Time delay estimation using cascaded LMS filters fused by correlation coefficient for pipeline leak localization. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023, 199: 110500. (SCI,一區Top)

[5]   Z. Yan, X. Cui*, Y. Gao. Acoustic injection method based on weak echo signals for leak detection and localization in gas pipelines. Applied Acoustics, 2023, 211: 109577. (SCI)

[6]   X. Cui, Y. Gao, Y. Ma, Y. Liu, B. Jin. Variable step normalized LMS adaptive filter for leak localization in water-filled plastic pipes. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022, 71: 9600511. (SCI)

[7]   X. Han, W. Cao, X. Cui*, Y. Gao. Plastic Pipeline Leak Localization Based on Wavelet Packet Decomposition and Higher Order Cumulants. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2022, 71, 3520911. (SCI)

[8]   X. Han, J. Liu, X. Cui*, Y. Gao, Z. Yan. Identification of Pipeline Leak Sizes Based on Chaos-Grey Wolf-Support Vector Machine. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023, 23(19): 23179-23190. (SCI)

[9]   H. Ji, X. Cui*, Y. Gao, X. Ge. 3-D ultrasonic localization of transformer patrol robot based on EMD and PHAT-beta algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 70, 9004810. (SCI)

[10] H. Ji, X. Cui*, W. Ren, et al. Visual inspection for transformer insulation defects by a patrol robot fish based on deep learning. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 2021, 15: 606-618. (SCI)

[11] X. Cui, Y. Yan, Y. Hu, M. Guo. Performance comparison of acoustic emission sensor arrays in different topologies for the localization of gas leakage on a flat-surface structure. Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, 2019, 300, 111659. (SCI)

[12] X. Han, S. Zhao, X. Cui*, Y. Yan. Localization of CO2 Gas Leakages Using Acoustic Emission Multi-sensor Fusion Based on Wavelet-RBFN Modeling. Measurement Science and Technology, 2019, 30, 085007. (SCI)

[13] X. Cui, Y. Yan, Y. Ma, L. Ma, X. Han. Localization of CO2 Leakage from Transportation Pipelines Through Low Frequency Acoustic Emission Detection. Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, 2016, 237: 107-118. (SCI)

[14] X. Cui, Y. Yan, M. Guo, X. Han, Y. Hu. Localization of CO2 Leakage from a Circular Hole on a Flat-Surface Structure Using a Circular Acoustic Emission Sensor Array. Sensors, 2016, 16(11), 1951. (SCI)

[15] Y. Yan, X. Cui, M. Guo, X. Han. Localization of a Continuous CO2 Leak from an Isotropic Flat-Surface Structure Using Acoustic Emission Detection and Near-Field Beamforming Techniques. Measurement Science and Technology. 2016, 27, 115105. (SCI)

[16] Y. Yan, Y. Shen, X. Cui, Y. Hu. Localization of Multiple Leak Sources Using Acoustic Emission Sensors Based on MUSIC Algorithm and Wavelet Packet Analysis. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2018, 18(23): 9812-9820. (SCI)

[17] X. Ge, H. Ji, X. Cui. Movement Behavior and Partial Discharge of the Single Metallic Particle in GIS at Operated Voltage. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2019, 47(9):4319-4328. (SCI)

[18] Y. Ma, Y. Gao, X. Cui, M. J. Brennan, J. Yang, Adaptive phase transform method for pipeline leakage detection. Sensors, 2019, 19(2), 310. (SCI)

[19] X. Han, F. Chen, X. Cui, Y. Li, X. Li. A Power Smoothing Control Strategy and Optimized Allocation of Battery Capacity Based on Hybrid Storage Energy Technology. Energies, 2012, 5(5): 1593-1612. (SCI)

[20] H. Ji, C. Li, Z. Pang, G. Ma, X. Cui, et al. Moving Behaviors and Harmfulness Analysis of Multiple Linear Metal Particles in GIS. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2016, 23(6): 3355-3363. (SCI) 


[1] 一種(zhǒng)基于聲波主動激勵的地下非金屬管線探測系統及方法. 發(fā)明專利:ZL 2022 1 1415031.4

[2] 基于碰撞聲特征的生物質顆粒粒徑識别系統及方法. 發(fā)明專利:ZL 2022 1 1370029.X

[3] 基于聲陣列橢圓軌迹的地下非金屬管線探測系統及方法. 發(fā)明專利:CN 202310911913.8

[4] 一種(zhǒng)基于不匹配傳感器混用的管道(dào)洩漏檢測系統及方法. 發(fā)明專利:CN 202311072969.5

[5] 一種(zhǒng)基于自适應濾波器的管道(dào)洩漏定位裝置. 發(fā)明專利:ZL 2019 1 0699473.8. 

[6] 一種(zhǒng)基于聲波反射的埋地管線探測裝置及方法. 發(fā)明專利:ZL 2018 1 0083685.9.

[7] 一種(zhǒng)基于極性零點檢測的時(shí)延估計方法及系統. 發(fā)明專利:ZL 2019 1 0689877.9.

[8] 一種(zhǒng)基于互相關的管道(dào)洩漏定位方法. 發(fā)明專利:ZL 2018 1 0083681.0.

[9] 一種(zhǒng)基于低頻流體波特征識别的充液管道(dào)洩漏檢測方法. 發(fā)明專利:CN 202211122824.7

[10]一種(zhǒng)基于共振腔調制的埋地管道(dào)微小洩漏檢測方法及系統. 發(fā)明專利:CN 202410350162.1.

[11] 一種(zhǒng)淺層埋地非金屬物體探測系統. 實用新型:ZL 2019 2 1220801.3.