
                    胡國(guó)慶                          副教授       碩導




性别:男                       ||  出生年月:1989年10月                    ||  政治面(miàn)貌:黨員


最後(hòu)學(xué)曆: 博士          ||  最後(hòu)學(xué)位: 博士                                ||  獲學(xué)位單位:北京航空航天大學(xué)

聯系方式:                  ||  郵箱:guoqing2011@foxmail.com    ||  通訊地址:北京海澱區清河小營東路12号


碩導/博導:碩導          ||  批碩/博導時(shí)間: 2020年12月29日

在讀碩士:1                 ||  畢業碩士:0       ||  在讀博士:0       ||  畢業博士:0










2020.10-至今,                  北京信息科技大學(xué),儀器科學(xué)與光電工程學(xué)院,教師;

2018.09-2020.09,            北京航空航天大學(xué),機械工程及自動化學(xué)院,博士後(hòu):

2017.07-2018.08,       北京衛星信息工程研究所(503所),天地一體化信息技術國(guó)家重點實驗室,工程師:

201108-2017.07,       北京航空航天大學(xué),電子信息工程學(xué)院,博士;


201108-201307,       北京航空航天大學(xué),物理科學(xué)與核能(néng)工程學(xué)院,博士;

2007.09-201106,       天津理工大學(xué),材料科學(xué)與工程學(xué)院,學(xué)士。 




1.   2023.08-2023.12中航工業北京長(cháng)城計量測試研究所課題,負責人,低重頻光纖飛秒激光器,15萬。

2.   2022.01-2024.12國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金青年項目,負責人,62105038,空氣環境下的單腔多色多光梳絕對(duì)測距關鍵技術研究,30萬。

3.   2022.01-2024.12北京市教委科技一般項目,負責人,KM202211232001,基于飛秒激光加工MZI光纖微結構的超緊湊全光纖多光梳光源,15萬。

4.   2020.01-2021.12北京市自然科學(xué)基金青年項目,負責人,3204047,基于光信号監測的飛秒激光精準骨加工實現方式和機理研究,10萬。

5.   2020.01-2022.12安徽省重點研發(fā)項目,參與,面(miàn)向(xiàng)金屬構件激光增材制造的多元合金組織結構性能(néng)調控關鍵技術研究,50萬。

6.   2020.01-2022.12北京市自然科學(xué)基金-海澱原始創新聯合基金前沿項目,參與,19L2019,基于飛秒激光的機器人高效精确骨切削及其安全協同控制研究,28萬。

7.   2019.06-2020.08中國(guó)博士後(hòu)基金面(miàn)上項目,負責人,2019M650423,基于光譜響應的飛秒激光骨加工損傷抑制和監測機制研究,8萬。

8.   2018.01-2021.12國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金面(miàn)上項目,參與,51778030,基于光譜響應的飲用水處理膜污染形成(chéng)機制研究,62萬。

9.   2018.06-2021.12北航合肥科學(xué)城項目,參與,面(miàn)向(xiàng)典型工業應用的激光微細加工關鍵共性技術,430萬。

10. 2017.01-2020.12國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金面(miàn)上項目,參與,61675014,單腔異步雙頻超短脈沖生成(chéng)中的包絡載波相移特性研究,60萬。

11. 2017.01-2020.12國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金面(miàn)上項目,參與,61675015,基于波長(cháng)複用的雙頻光梳光源及其特性研究,51萬。

12. 2016.01-2018.12國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金青年項目,參與,61505005,基于同步雙波長(cháng)激光泵浦的石墨烯寬帶波長(cháng)轉換中紅外飛秒脈沖生成(chéng)機理與實驗研究,22萬。

13. 2016.07-201707,北京航空航天大學(xué)博士生卓越學(xué)術基金,負責人,基于新型納米材料的光脈沖産生及異步多脈沖應用方法與技術研究,3萬。


1.         Luoyang Chen, Guangwei Chen, Ying Qin, Li Chen, Yue Zhao, Huiyu Li, Hongbo Huang, Zhehai Zhou, Guoqing Hu*, Observation of the extracavity propagation of amplified bound-state soliton pulses emitted from a SWNT mode-locked fiber laser Accepted, (2023).

2.         G. Hu, C. Wang, K. Chen, J. Wen, G. Guo, Y. Liu, G. Chen, and L. Zhu, "The generation and observation of pulses with switchable single/dual wavelengths and tunable bandwidth from a SWNT mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser," Optics & Laser Technology 158, 108715 (2023).

3.         G. Q. Hu, L.Q. Zhu, G. K. Sun, L. L. Lu, R. You, Y Liu, W. He, and M. L. Dong "Spectral overlapping single-cavity dual-comb fiber laser with well-controlled repetition rate difference," Applied Physics Letters, 121, 091101, 2022.

4.         G. Hu, L. Zhu, K. Chen, G. Chen, Z. Wang, and G. Guo, "Tunable period-multiplying Q-switched pulse outputs based on birefringence induced multiwavelength tuning in a linear erbium-doped fiber oscillator," Infrared Physics & Technology 117, 103821 (2021).

5.         G. Hu, M. Dong, K. Chen, Z. Wang, H. Niu, and L. Zhu, "Tunable multidimensional multiplexed Q-switched pulse outputs from a linear fiber laser with a bidirectional loop," Optics & Laser Technology 141, 107138 (2021).

6.         Hu G., Guan Y., "Research progress of spectral measurement on the on-line monitoring of laser processing,". Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 41(8): 2343-2356 (2021).

7.         G. Hu, Y. Liu, X. Zhao, and Z. Zheng, "Polarization-multiplexed, synchronous ultrashort pulse generation from a linear-cavity fiber laser with a polarization-rotation loop mirror," Optik 224, 165647 (2020).

8.         Zhang J.#, Hu G.#, et al, "Enhancing protein fluorescence detection through hierarchical biometallic surface structuring," Optics Letters, 2019, 44: 339-342.

9.         Hu G.#, Guan K. #, et al, "Engineered Functional Surfaces by Laser Microprocessing for Biomedical Applications," Engineering, 2018, 4, 822-830.

10.     G. Hu, Tatsuya Mizuguchi, Ryo Oe, Kazuki Nitta, Xin Zhao, Takeo Minamikawa, Ting Li, Zheng Zheng, and T. Yasui, "Dual terahertz comb spectroscopy with a single free-running fibre laser," Sci. Rep. 8, 11155 (2018).

11.      G. Hu, T. Mizuguchi, X. Zhao, T. Minamikawa, T. Mizuno, Y. L. Yang, C. Li, M. Bai, Z. Zheng, and T. Yasui, "Measurement of absolute frequency of continuous-wave terahertz radiation in real time using a free-running, dual-wavelength mode-locked, erbium-doped fibre laser," Sci. Rep. 7, 42082 (2017).

12.     G. Hu, Y. L. Pan, X. Zhao, S. Y. Yin, M. Zhang, and Z. Zheng, "Asynchronous and synchronous dual-wavelength pulse generation in a passively mode-locked fiber laser with a mode-locker," Opt. Lett. 42, 4942-4945 (2017).

13.     Hu G#., Song Y. # et al. Femtosecond Laser Bone Drilling with the Second-harmonic-generation Green Positioning and On-line Spectral Monitoring [C]. Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science, Washington, DC, USA, 2019, JTu4A.92 (EI).

14.     Hu G. et al. Asynchronous and synchronous dual-wavelength pulse generation in a non-zero-dispersion fiber laser[C]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, USA, 2017, JTh2A.134 (Oral, EI).

15.     Hu G. et al. Terahertz dual-comb spectroscopy with a free-running, dual-wavelength-comb fiber laser [C]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, USA, 2017, SW4J.1 (Oral, EI).

16.     Hu G.; Mizuguchi, T.; Zhao X.; et al. Real-time absolute frequency measurement of continuous-wave terahertz radiation using a free-running, dual-wavelength, dual-comb mode-locked fiber laser [C]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, USA, 2016, SM1H.2 (Oral, EI)

17.     Hu G.; Zhang, M.; et al. Dual-wavelength passively Q-switched Yb-doped fiber laser based on WS2 saturable absorber and intracavity polarization[C]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, USA, 2016, STu1R.6 (Oral, EI)

18.     Hu G; Wang, R., Pan Y.; G.*, et al. Synchronous dual-wavelength pulse generation in an Er-doped fiber laser with near-zero dispersion [C]. Synchronous dual-wavelength pulse generation in an Er-doped fiber laser with near-zero dispersion[C], Frontiers in Optics/ Laser Science Conference, 2016, JW4A.312 (EI)

19.     Hu G.; Zhang M.; Chen L.; et al., Q-switched pulse generation in Yb- and Er-doped fiber laser with WS2 saturable absorber[C]. Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference, San Jose, CA, USA, 2015, FM3G.5 (Oral, EI)

20.     Hu G.; Zhao X.; Yao, Z.; et al. Observation of continuous evolution of the output state of polarization from a polarization–rotated, mode-locked soliton fiber laser[C]. Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference, San Jose, CA, USA, Oct. 2015, FTh3H. 3 (Oral, EI)

21.     Hu G.; Zhang M.; Chen L.; et al. Q-switched Yb-doped fiber laser with WS2 saturable absorber[C]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, BEXCO, Busan, Korea, 2015; T01_1083 (Oral, EI)

22.     Hu G.; Zhao X.; Liu Y.; et al. Multiwavelength, subpicosecond pulse generation from a SWNT-SA mode-locked ring birefringent fiber laser. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, BEXCO, Busan, Korea, 2015, T01_1115 (Oral, EI)



編寫《Materials Development and Processing for Biomedical Applications》英文專著中的第十二章《Laser processing and on-line monitoring for biomedical applications




Optics Express,Photonics Research等雜志審稿人;日本德島大學(xué)特别研究學(xué)員獎勵資助等。