
          王雷              副教授    碩士研究生導師



性别:男    ||  出生年月:1986.12    ||  政治面(miàn)貌:群衆


最後(hòu)學(xué)曆:博士研究生    ||  最後(hòu)學(xué)位:博士     ||  獲學(xué)位單位:北京理工大學(xué) 

聯系方式:     ||  郵箱:wanglei20202452@bistu.edu.cn     ||  通訊地址:北京市海澱區清河小營東路12号北京信息科技大學(xué)光電學(xué)院


碩導/博導:碩導    ||  批碩/博導時(shí)間:2022.01

在讀碩士:0    ||  畢業碩士:0  











2020.09 2020.12,北京信息科技大學(xué),儀器科學(xué)與光電工程學(xué)院,講師

2017.01 2020.08,北京理工大學(xué),材料學(xué)院,博士後(hòu) 


(1) 國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金青年基金,面(miàn)向(xiàng)顯示應用的鈣钛礦量子點随機激光研究,2018.01-2020.12主持

(2) 國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金國(guó)際(地區)合作與交流項目,各向(xiàng)異性鈣钛礦納米晶的可控制備與偏振發(fā)光應用研究,2018.01-2021.12參加

(3) ***基金重點項目, XXX量子點光譜轉換技術,2017.07-2020.06,參加

(4) 國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金面(miàn)上項目向(xiàng)列相和藍相液晶随機激光的等離激元調控與泵光調控研究,2014.01-2018.12,參加 


(1) Lei Wang*, Guang Dai, Luogen Deng and Haizheng Zhong*, Progress in Semiconductor Quantum Dots based Continuous-wave Laser [J], Sci. China Mater., 2020, 63(8): 1382–1397.

(2) Lei Wang, Linghai Meng, Lan Chen, Sheng Huang, Xiangang Wu, Guang Dai, Luogen Deng, Junbo Han, Bingsuo Zou, Chunfeng Zhang and Haizheng Zhong*, Ultralow-threshold and color-tunable continuous-wave lasing at room-temperature from in situ fabricated perovskite quantum dots [J]. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2019, 10(12): 3248-3253.

(3) Guang Dai, Lei Wang* and Luogen Deng*. Flexible random laser from dye doped stretchable polymer films containing nematic liquid crystal, Opt. Mater. Express, 2019, 10(1): 68-75.

(4) Lei Wang, Yuan Wan, Lijie Shi, Haizheng Zhong and Luogen Deng*. Electrically controllable plasmonic enhanced coherent random lasing from dye-doped nematic liquid crystals containing Au nanoparticles [J]. Opt. Express, 2016, 24(16): 17593–17602.

(5) Lei Wang, Meng Wang, Mingchao Yang, Lijie Shi, Huai Yang* and Luogen Deng*. Bichromatic coherent random lasing from dye-doped polymer stabilized blue phase liquid crystals controlled by pump light polarization [J]. Chin. Phys. B, 2016, 25(9): 094217.

(6) Lei Wang and Luogen Deng*, Plasmonic circular dichroism of the helical nanosphere assemblies and the helical nanoellipsoid assemblies [J]. Plasmonics, 2015, 10(2):399–409.

(7) Guang Dai, Lei Wang, Shangjun Cheng, Yu Chen, Xiu Liu, Luogen Deng,* and Haizheng Zhong*Perovskite Quantum Dots Based Optical Fabry−Perot Pressure ́Sensor, ACS Photonics 2020, 7, 2390−2394.

(8) Sheng Huang, Peng Huang, Lei Wang, Junbo Han, Yu Chen, and Haizheng Zhong*. Halogenated-Methylammonium Based 3D Halide Perovskites [J]. Adv. Mater. 2019, 31, 1903830.

(9) Yong Ge, Mengjiao Zhang, Lei Wang, Linghai Meng, Jialun Tang, Yu Chen, Lingxue Wang and Haizheng Zhong*, Polarization-sensitive ultraviolet detection from oriented-CdSe@CdS-dot-in-rods-integrated silicon photodetector [J]. Adv. Opt. Mater., 2019, 1900330.

(10) Wen-Gao Lu, Ru Xiao, Juan Liu, Lei Wang, Haizheng Zhong* and Yongtian Wang*, Large-area rainbow holographic diffraction gratings on a curved surface using transferred photopolymer films [J]. Opt. Lett., 2018, 43(5), 675-678.

(11) Wen-Gao Lu, Xian-Gang Wu, Sheng Huang, Lei Wang, Qingchao Zhou, Bingsuo Zou, Haizheng Zhong* and Yongtian Wang*, Strong polarized photoluminescence from stretched perovskite-nanocrystal-embedded polymer composite films. Adv. Opt. Mater. 2017, 1700594

(12) Yuan Wan, Luogen Deng*, Lei Wang, Mingchao Yang and Yuli Wang, Modulation of visible and near-infrared surface plasmon resonance of Au nanoparticles based on highly doped grapheme, Plasmonics, 2016, 12 (5), 1317–1324.

(13) Longwu Li, Lei Wang and Luogen Deng*, Low threshold random lasing in DDPDLCs, DDPDLC@ZnO nanoparticles and dye solution@ZnO nanoparticle capillaries, Laser Phys. Lett., 2014, 11(2): 025201. 



(1) 王雷,鍾海政,吳顯剛,LED泵浦的鈣钛礦量子點連續激光器及其制備方法,中國(guó),ZL201810095572.0

(2) 鍾海政,王雷,LED泵浦的鈣钛礦量子點連續激光器,中國(guó),ZL20181 0097315.0

(3) 鍾海政,王雷,王嶺雪,張猛蛟,紫外偏振成(chéng)像探測器,中國(guó),ZL201710917506.2

(4) 王雷,鍾海政,戴光,李勁,王晶晶,用于感測壓力或振動的系統和方法,中國(guó)專利申請号:202010113342.X

(5) 鍾海政,王雷,膠體量子點連續激光器及其制備方法,中國(guó)專利申請号:201810097338.1

(6) 鍾海政,孟令海,王雷,一種(zhǒng)聚合物基功能(néng)薄膜及其制備方法,中國(guó),專利申請号:201810160814.X